Saturday, October 24, 2009

Update # 28 on Jewel

It has now been one week since Jewel had her first round of chemotherapy. While it has not been the easiest week, Jewel seems to be doing OK. Today Jewel was able to take her longest walk since her surgery. It was nice to see a let up in the rain so that she could walk with her friend to the end of the street and back. After a couple of other visitors Jewel is now pretty tired. We are encouraged that Jewel has no more nausea and her pain is under control through the use of medication.

The Cancer Clinic team told us the first 7 days after the chemo would be the most challenging. So we are hoping these next few days will bring greater strength and prepare Jewel for the next treatment on November 6th.

This seems to be a time of waiting at the moment. Waiting for the next treatment. Waiting for the results of the treatment. Waiting to understand the implications of Jewel’s sickness. Waiting…

Waiting is not always easy for me. In fact, I don't like to wait! God seems to be teaching me new lessons these days.

Isaiah says, "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength." Isa 40:31

This is a great reminder for me in these days of waiting.

Pastor John Ortberg writes about this verse…

“If I can wait on God, which means if I can wait with patience, which means if I can wait and keep hoping, which means if I can wait and not give into despair, which means if I can wait and not give into sin, which means if I can wait and keep being faithful to God, if I can wait and bring joy to people around me, then God is doing something good inside me.”

I don’t know about you, I want God doing something good inside of me. So maybe waiting does have a deeper purpose in our lives.

Yours on the Journey,


1 comment:

  1. So glad to read these updates, Geoff. Thanks for posting them. Gentle hugs to Jewel! Love, Karla
