Wednesday, October 7, 2009

update # 19 on Jewel

Great news today! We had a conversation with Jewel’s Oncologist Surgeon late this afternoon. The results of the pathology are now in. We could not have asked for a better report. Even though it was confirmed as clear cell cancer (one of the most aggressive forms of ovarian cancer.) the pathology report showed that there was no spread of cancer beyond the tumor attached to the ovary. In other words, the cancer seems to be contained.

So tonight we are rejoicing in God’s goodness and His grace. Will you join us in giving thanks to the Lord for this positive news today.

Even with this positive report Jewel will still receive chemotherapy. The plan at this point is to tentatively begin her first treatment on October 16th. This will be followed five more treatments of chemo 3-4 weeks apart. We will also have a discussion about introducing radiation into the mix.

We are also encouraged by the progress that Jewel is making every day from the effects of her surgery. The concern at this point is her very low blood pressure which causes dizziness and impacts her energy level.

While the doctor was very positive about the pathology results she was pleasantly surprised there had been no spread of the cancer.

The verse of Scripture that jumped into our minds this evening was Psalm 139:14

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Yours on the Journey,



  1. We are indeed rejoicing with you. God is good!! Our continued love and prayers are with you all. Jen and Serge

  2. WE rejoice with you at the good news and thank God for answering so many prayers! May God continue to heal and restore Jewel and keep you all strong and trusting in Him. With praise and thanks to God, Ramez & Rebecca - Cairo

  3. Oh hooray!! Praise the Lord! Rejoicing with you!
