Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update # 26 on Jewel

Today was Jewel’s first day of chemotherapy at the Cancer Clinic. The medical staff was very kind and gave a full explanation of the treatment and the potential side effects. Then over the course of 5 hours the 2 different chemo drugs were administered through I.V. along with other medications to help alleviate any reactions.

We were very grateful that there were no immediate allergic reactions to the chemo. Jewel strongly sensed God’s presence during the therapy. She had a great sense of peace in her heart.

On the way home, Jewel wanted to take a brief stroll along the waterfront. It’s funny how little things can bring a sense of deep satisfaction and appreciation. We are now home where Jewel is resting. While not experiencing pain, she is very exhausted as the chemo begins to work.

Over the next few days we will closely monitor Jewel to gauge her response to the chemo. We were told that her hair would begin to fall out after 2 weeks. Jewel plans to use the book she picked up on headscarf folding so she can begin using the fancy scarves I have brought her from several different countries.

As we end this day, we have been reminded of God’s hand each step of the way over these last several weeks. It is hard to believe that in just over a month since the doctor first had an inclining of the mass, Jewel has had surgery and is now into chemotherapy.

Yours on the Journey,


1 comment:

  1. Geoff and Jewell,
    You don't know me but I know Lloyd from the Chapel. My prayers are with you both. God is with you and does have a plan. His timing is so different than ours.....I had to find that out the hard way. But through our trials there are the tribulations! May you continue to have a thankful heart. God is not finished with you yet! Praise the Lord in all things. May God bless you both!
    Tracy Bradway
