Monday, November 30, 2009

Update #37

It is day 4 after Jewel’s last chemo. While there have been no major problems there have been several reactions to the treatment. These have included leg pains, some nausea, numbness in hands and feet, and the loss of her voice. In addition, Jewel is very tired. In spite of the physical impact of the chemotherapy, Jewel continues to have a positive spirit.

I am making plans for a couple of short trips this month. These were not the trips I had originally planned, but I have been reminded today of the old saying”

"Life is what happens when we're working on what we had planned."

I have also been thinking about my visit to China last week with 23 other WEA leaders.

Lots to work on for the future.

However, I’m learning to take one day at a time.

Yours on the Journey,


Thursday, November 26, 2009

update # 36

Today Jewel completed her third and last chemotherapy treatment.

It was a long and grueling day at the Cancer Clinic. The caring medical team slowed down the speed of the intravenous drip so that Jewel would experience less pain while the chemo was administered. After six and a half hour of treatment the process was complete. A huge smile of thanksgiving came across Jewel’s face as the IV needle in her hand was removed.

Throughout the day, several other patients came in and out of Jewel’s treatment room. As the strangers in the room shared their courageous stories there was an almost instantaneous bonding. There was the Vietnamese man who has been receiving chemo for 2 ½ years and is now getting an experimental drug as a last resort. There was a 39 year-old woman from the Philippines battling advanced cancer. Another woman travels regularly to Vancouver from another city to receive treatment for ovarian cancer. Then there was a man who seemed to keep a smile on his face the entire time even though it was his 28th cycle of chemo. Each of these cancer fighters came with their own story, their own journey. On the way home, Jewel prayed for each one of her roommates for the day.

As we arrived home, Natasha had prepared a wonderful turkey dinner in respect for the American-side of our family. Lots to be thankful for today. In particular, we are thankful that Jewel’s chemotherapy has come to an end and that the Lord has given great strength for this often unclear journey.

As we end this day, Jewel is extremely tired but is resting well. She now has four weeks to recover and gain strength before she begins her 5 weeks of radiation.

But today is not the day to think about the next treatment but rather be thankful for how far Jewel has come along.

Yours on the Journey,


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Update # 35

This week is filled with medical appointments and treatments for Jewel. Yesterday we were able to go the Cancer Clinic and meet with 2 specialists to discuss the radiation treatment following the completion of her chemotherapy. Once again we were very impressed by the diligence and sensitivity of the medical team. They gave a clear explanation of the treatment as well as any potential side effects. They thoroughly answered all our questions.

The course of action seems very clear. Jewel will begin radiation treatment four weeks after her last chemo (which should be this Thursday). There will be 25 sessions of radiation that will be given over a time period of five weeks, five days a week. So we anticipate the radiation treatments beginning the week after Christmas.

As we entered the Cancer Clinic yesterday the verse that was on Jewel’s mind and heart was …

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

Jewel found this verse very encouraging as we continue the next step of this journey.

Jewel had another appointment today to deal with the pain in her leg. Tomorrow we go back to the Cancer Clinic for her pre-chemo treatment appointment. If the results her blood work is acceptable tomorrow, she will have her last chemo on Thursday.

As Jewel and I have talked about the time I was recently away she told me about one day was particularly challenging. On that very day, Jewel received a care gift in the mail from a wonderful Christian ministry for Cancer patients. The gift box filled with hats, scarves, creams, and testimonies of cancer survivors came just at the right time. It gave a great lift to Jewel’s Spirit.

One of the great quotes on The Cancer Comfort Ministry website is:

"Cancer is so limited! It cannot cripple love. It cannot shatter hope. It cannot corrode faith. It cannot eat away peace. It cannot destroy confidence. It cannot kill friendship. It cannot shut out memories. It cannot silence courage. It cannot invade the soul. It cannot reduce eternal life. It cannot lessen the power of the resurrection."

-Carol Morgan

Yours on the Journey,


Monday, November 23, 2009

Update # 34

It has been an intense couple of weeks since my last blog.

It was so good to have Jewel’s Aunt/Nurse Jean to stay with Jewel for 8 days after her last chemo. It gave both Jewel and I a great sense of peace as I travelled.

While the chemo caused a lot of tiredness and significant leg pain, we were grateful that there were no other major side effects of the treatment or her medications.

While I was in South Korea for World Evangelical Alliance’s annual International Council and Leadership meetings, I was so encouraged by the love and concern for our family expressed by so many leaders across the world.

Originally, I was to travel from Korea to China for a historic visit of WEA leaders with Church leaders in China. However, because of Jewel’s illness, I decided to curtail the trip. When I was in Seoul, Jewel felt that she was able to manage the post-chemo OK and I should continue the trip to China as was originally planned. While it was a difficult decision not to come home, it was confirmed in several ways to both Jewel and I that I was meant to travel to China.

I feel so blessed to have a wife who has spiritual insights and a Kingdom focus.

While there were a few “bumpy” days for Jewel because of the pain and swelling in her leg she has been able to make it through. In fact, yesterday Jewel was able to attend church for the first time since she became ill. With the help of friend she was thrilled to be able to slip in and out church to hear Natasha’s 10- minute presentation on her mission to Rwanda.

Yesterday, I got back home from Asia. It was SO good to see Jewel and the kids. Jewel has a new array of headgear. I was able to bring home a special hat from China. Although, our kids felt it makes Jewel look like Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians.

During our meetings in Korea the International Council asked me to extent my term for another 5 years, until 2015. This process of reappointment began several months ago. I was very humbled by this offer. Jewel and I believe it right for me to continue. For more details you can read the following press release.

The trip to China was one of the most challenging visits I have made to any country. The complexities of the situation are immense and the opportunities for spiritual impact are incredible. For more details you can check out the links below:

Today, Jewel and I are heading to the Cancer Clinic to meet with the Oncologist to discuss the radiation treatment that is recommended after Jewel finishes her last chemotherapy treatment. We continue to look for God’s healing and wisdom.

Yours on the Journey,


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Update # 33

Jewel was able to have her second of three chemotherapies on Friday. It was good to be able to have a Skype conversation with her from Korea after her visit to the Clinic. While she was quite tired and was a little nauseous from the chemo, Jewel felt the impact of the chemo was significantly less than the first treatment. Jewel was grateful to have a good friend with her during the six hours of treatment and really appreciated some of the conversations she had with some of the other patients at the Cancer Clinic.

Just after she arrived back home from the Clinic, Jewel’s Aunt Jean arrived for 8 days to stay with her. I am really thankful for the support of so many in caring for Jewel.

Here in Korea, I was able to officiate at a lovely wedding for the son of a dear friend. It was very international. The groom is Korean and the bride is Chinese and they both live in Australia. The service was translated into both Korean and Chinese. The whole event was a fascinating combination of cultures and styles. Like all weddings there was a very excited (and perhaps slightly nervous) groom and a beautiful glowing bride. I particularly enjoyed wearing the white gloves.

Now I am getting ready for our board and leadership meetings. Over 200 pages of reports to review. It is exciting to see how God is at work in so many places in the world. Today is also the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This annual event sponsored by WEA and some of our members will mobilize millions of Christians around the world in prayer.

Yours on the Journey,


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Update # 32

I am now in Korea. It’s a busy and vibrant as ever. I’ve been encouraged by the contact with some of my Korean colleagues.

It’s good to have Skype so I can easily stay in touch with Jewel.

Jewel was at the Cancer Clinic yesterday to meet with the Oncologist. The doctors seem very pleased with her healing from the surgery. The blood work indicated that here white count is high enough that no adjustments need to be made to the chemo and she can go ahead with her next treatment on Friday, November 6th. While I wish I could be home for her next treatment, I am grateful that a good friend will take her to the clinic and stay with her for the day. It is also comforting to know that her Aunt Jean from Pennsylvania will arrive late Friday afternoon and stay for 8 days.

While I am here in Korea for our board and leadership meetings, I will also have the privilege of officiating at a wedding ceremony for a close friend’s son. Since my friend’s son will be marrying a Chinese girl the service will be in Korean, Chinese and English. I hope nothing get’s lost in the translation. :-)

I know Jewel would particularly appreciate your prayers, as would I, while we are away from each other.

Yours on the Journey,


Monday, November 2, 2009

Update # 31

We are grateful for the Lord’s ongoing care in our lives.

After a one-night trip to speak in Montreal last week, I will now be leaving for Korea tomorrow. Later this week, Jewel will receive her second chemo treatment. We are very grateful that one of Jewel’s loving Aunts will be coming to stay with her most of the time I am away.

While it will be hard to be away from Jewel during this time, we are both of the opinion that I need to begin to resume some of my normal and particularly critical activities.

Korea is hosting our annual leadership team meetings for World Evangelical Alliance. For 6 days our International Council (board) and our International Leadership Team (The leaders of our Regional Alliances, Commissions, Global Partners and Task Forces) will meet to discuss our 3-year strategic plan and how we can build more synergy and collaboration within the global evangelical family. In addition, we will have a joint meeting with the Christian Council of Korea, which represents the 12 million evangelicals Christians. A visit to the Blue House (the presidents residence) is also in the works.

For an update on current WEA activities you can go to our website:

From Korea, 25 of our leaders will travel to China to meet with Church and Government leaders. I will travel with the group to Shanghai for two days, so that I can engage in a strategic meeting with the China Christian Council, the body that represents the official church in China. This will be a historic first time summit. As you can imagine we need much wisdom and insight as we interact with the Chinese leaders about very complex issues.

I will then return home and the team will continue to other parts of China to meet with other officials.

Yours on the Journey,


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Update # 30 on Jewel

A few days ago my friend and colleague John Pearson, gave me a transcript of a speech that had been given by a Christian lawyer about a trip he had taken to China. John thought I would be interested in the section of the transcript about his visit to China. While I found that fascinating, what really got my attention was a section of the speech that included a quote from the author Brennan Manning’s book Ruthless Trust.

Over the last several weeks Jewel and I have been thinking much about the questions of faith and trust in times of personal crisis. Manning seems to articulate so well what we are feeling.

He writes,

…"In order to grow in trust, we must release the demand for clarity and understanding."

Manning tells the story of a man who travelled to Calcutta to work with Mother Teresa in search of answers. She asked him what she could for him. And he replied that he would like her to pray for him.

For what?” she asked.

“For clarity.”

She refused. “No, I will not do that.”

Undoubtedly surprised by her response, he asked her why.

She answered, “Clarity is the last thing you are clinging to and must let go of… I will pray that you trust God.”

Manning says:

“The way of trust is a movement into obscurity, into the undefined, into ambiguity…[It is] the life of the pilgrim who leave what is nailed down, obvious and secure, and walks into the unknown without any rational explanation to justify the decision or guarantee the future.”

In the face of our obsession for answers, for some explanation of why we’re going through this, Solomon counsels us, “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.” Proverbs 3:5 (The Message)

While we don’t have all the answers, we are learning to trust.

Yours on the Journey,
