Saturday, October 31, 2009

Update # 29 on Jewel

It was really good to have Jewel’s sister and father visiting from California this week. Time spent with family doing familiar activities, like doing jigsaw puzzles, is always fun and encouraging. One challenge this week was to keep Jewel’s dad warm. His Southern California blood circulation his just not used to the cool Canadian fall weather. Cranking up the heat, a woolen poncho from Paraguay and a warm toque seemed to help.

Today was a pretty big day for Jewel. Since the chemo is now beginning to have an impact on her hair, Jewel asked Justin and Natasha if they would be willing to shave her head. So the deed is now done and Jewel looks lovely in her red stocking cap.

Jewel is getting stronger every day. This is good news as she prepares for her next chemo on November 6th.

This week, I was also able to take my first trip since Jewel became ill. I had the privilege of speaking at the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada’s Presidents day gathering held in Montreal. This is annual gathering of the heads of Canadian denominations and ministry agencies. Many of these folks are good friends so it was a great safe place to have my first speaking engagement in almost 2 months. It was especially encouraging to connect with our former pastor from Ontario, as well as Brian Stiller and Gary Walsh, two of my life mentors.

While the trip was just for one night it was pretty hard to leave Jewel. It was a great comfort to know her Dad and sister, as well as our kids were with her. It was good to be able to test the waters of travel again. It helps in getting our minds set for a much longer trip next week.

We continue to be encouraged by so many friends from around the world. Jewel was deeply touched, as was I, by a special website that was developed by colleagues in San Francisco and New York. The website is filled videos, photos, music and prayers to help comfort Jewel during this time of trial.

Yours on the Journey,


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Update # 28 on Jewel

It has now been one week since Jewel had her first round of chemotherapy. While it has not been the easiest week, Jewel seems to be doing OK. Today Jewel was able to take her longest walk since her surgery. It was nice to see a let up in the rain so that she could walk with her friend to the end of the street and back. After a couple of other visitors Jewel is now pretty tired. We are encouraged that Jewel has no more nausea and her pain is under control through the use of medication.

The Cancer Clinic team told us the first 7 days after the chemo would be the most challenging. So we are hoping these next few days will bring greater strength and prepare Jewel for the next treatment on November 6th.

This seems to be a time of waiting at the moment. Waiting for the next treatment. Waiting for the results of the treatment. Waiting to understand the implications of Jewel’s sickness. Waiting…

Waiting is not always easy for me. In fact, I don't like to wait! God seems to be teaching me new lessons these days.

Isaiah says, "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength." Isa 40:31

This is a great reminder for me in these days of waiting.

Pastor John Ortberg writes about this verse…

“If I can wait on God, which means if I can wait with patience, which means if I can wait and keep hoping, which means if I can wait and not give into despair, which means if I can wait and not give into sin, which means if I can wait and keep being faithful to God, if I can wait and bring joy to people around me, then God is doing something good inside me.”

I don’t know about you, I want God doing something good inside of me. So maybe waiting does have a deeper purpose in our lives.

Yours on the Journey,


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Update # 27 on Jewel

It has been a couple of days since my last update.

We have been monitoring the response to the Chemo that Jewel received on Saturday. While there have been no major adverse reactions to the treatment, Jewel has had several issues to deal with.

On Sunday, Jewel developed a major migraine. The Cancer Clinic recommended a trip to the ER in our local hospital. Because the doctor in the Cancer Clinic called ahead to the ER, Jewel was immediately taken in for an evaluation and given medication for the pain. A CT scan was ordered for some further evaluation. (We are now awaiting the results of that test.)Also, Jewel seems to have developed some sort of infection from the surgery. Once again the medical team responded quickly to this situation.

We continue to be impressed with the pro-activity and care being provided by all the medical professionals assisting Jewel.

It is good to have our close friend Joan come and stay with us again for a few days. She has been really busy in the kitchen taking care of the canning fruit that Jewel was not able to get to.

We are grateful Natasha is recovering well from her Bronchitis. It is good to see her getting active again.

For me, I am trying to respond to urgent ministry issues as well as prepare for our upcoming international leadership meetings in Korea next month.

Yours on the Journey,


Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update # 26 on Jewel

Today was Jewel’s first day of chemotherapy at the Cancer Clinic. The medical staff was very kind and gave a full explanation of the treatment and the potential side effects. Then over the course of 5 hours the 2 different chemo drugs were administered through I.V. along with other medications to help alleviate any reactions.

We were very grateful that there were no immediate allergic reactions to the chemo. Jewel strongly sensed God’s presence during the therapy. She had a great sense of peace in her heart.

On the way home, Jewel wanted to take a brief stroll along the waterfront. It’s funny how little things can bring a sense of deep satisfaction and appreciation. We are now home where Jewel is resting. While not experiencing pain, she is very exhausted as the chemo begins to work.

Over the next few days we will closely monitor Jewel to gauge her response to the chemo. We were told that her hair would begin to fall out after 2 weeks. Jewel plans to use the book she picked up on headscarf folding so she can begin using the fancy scarves I have brought her from several different countries.

As we end this day, we have been reminded of God’s hand each step of the way over these last several weeks. It is hard to believe that in just over a month since the doctor first had an inclining of the mass, Jewel has had surgery and is now into chemotherapy.

Yours on the Journey,


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Update # 25 on Jewel

One again we are thankful for answered prayer. The Cancel Clinic called today to say that the doctors wanted Jewel’s chemotherapy moved up from October 26th to October 17th (This Saturday). We are very thankful that the next phase of Jewel’s treatment will begin earlier rather than later. We expect to be at the Cancer Clinic for 6 hours while the chemo is administered.

As Jewel prepares for her chemo we would ask prayer for following:

  • For physical and emotional strength as Jewel receives the two different chemo drugs.
  • There will be no adverse reaction to the drugs.
  • For strength and energy for Jewel in the days following the chemo.
  • The chemo will be effective in accomplishing its purpose.

As you pray for us we would ask you to remember our daughter Natasha who has come down with bronchitis and the flu. She is trying to keep herself isolated from her mum. As you might imagine we are helping keep the antibiotic soap companies in business.

We are deeply grateful for all those who continue to help us around the house and provide us with wonderfully healthy meals. We are blessed.

Yours on the Journey,


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Update # 24 on Jewel

Today was a full slate of appointments for Jewel at the Cancer Clinic. This was the first visit to the clinic since Jewel was released from hospital. More tests were conducted. Then we had an extended appointment with the Oncologist to review the results of the surgery and the pathology report as well as discuss the recommended therapies.

The doctors reiterated that they were pleased with the results of the surgery catching the cancer in its early stages. However, the diagnosis is stage 2 clear cell ovarian cancer. This is one of the most aggressive kinds of cancer. While the pathology reported that no cells were found beyond the removed tumor, there is still a concern that there are undetected micro-cells.

We were then given the stats. Without any further treatment there is a 50/50 chance of survival. With treatment it goes up to 70/80 percent chance of survival.

The treatment they have found most successful with Jewel’s kind of cancer is three sessions of chemotherapy (3-4 weeks apart) followed by five weeks of radiation (5 days a week.)

While Jewel is officially booked for her first chemo on October 26th we are anticipating the first treatment starting any day as she is currently on a “wait” list in anticipation of a cancellation.

It is easy to get caught in the statistics and the rates of survival. Yet, as followers of Jesus, we are reminded that our lives are in His hands.

Jeremiah 29:11"For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

What a great promise in which we can trust! Today we rest in this truth.

Yours on the Journey,


Monday, October 12, 2009

Update # 23 on Jewel

What a blessing for our family to sit around the Thanksgiving dinner table. We continued our annual tradition of sharing our individual thanksgiving lists. This year our lists seemed to be longer than usual. It’s amazing how a health crisis can bring life into sharp focus.

Our Thanksgiving dinner was great. Some great folks from our Church lovingly provided the entire meal. It had to be the easiest turkey I’ve ever prepared.

Jewel gets stronger every day. Yesterday, Jewel took her longest walk yet since she became ill. While our little jaunt was only the length of few houses it is great to see her recovering well from the surgery.

We are now looking forward to some visits from Jewel’s family. Her dad and sister will come for a visit later in the month. Then in November, her wonderful Aunt Jean will come from Pennsylvania while I make my first overseas trip to Korea.

We continue to take the advice of many and take one day at a time. This Wednesday, we will go to the Cancer Clinic for a series of tests and discussions about Jewel’s treatment. Then on Friday we are hoping for her first chemotherapy.

We appreciate your continued prayers.

Yours on the Journey,


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update # 22 on Jewel

This is Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada.

Beyond the Turkey and Pumpkin pie what does it mean? For our family, Thanksgiving this year takes on special meaning. In spite of Jewel’s recent cancer diagnosis we have so much for which to be thankful.

In thinking about Thanksgiving the apostle Paul wrote some great words to help us. Paul knew about suffering. He knew about problems, he knew about hardship. While he is in prison, he says, "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18

Paul says in every circumstance...give thanks. How do you do that?

Pastor John Ortberg gives some helpful insights in response to this question.

It is not just that life is kind of a roller coaster and sometimes circumstances are good and we ought to be grateful. It's not even just that being grateful is a more fun way to do life than being ungrateful; although, it is.

He goes on to say,

Whatever you're going through, your loneliness, your darkness, your sin, your regret, your sickness, your dying...God knows. God has been there.

That little the foundation for all our gratitude. Every other gift, every other blessing, every other good thing, every other piece of good fortune, comes and goes.

The reason gratitude makes sense in all circumstances is that our foundation is not in our circumstances; it is in Christ. God has suffered from and triumphed over every circumstance in Christ; therefore, gratitude is the greatest opportunity in life, and it's good to tell God. It is a terrible thing to be grateful and have no one to be grateful to so we are grateful to our God. It is His will for us in Christ Jesus.

So as we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner, which has been kindly provided from some of our Church members, we will focus on the Jesus the foundation of our faith source of our grateful hearts.

Yours on the Journey,


Friday, October 9, 2009

Update # 21 on Jewel

Just a quick blog to say that Jewel had a good day. She is getting stronger with each passing day. She was able to walk as far as the neighbours driveway today. We are grateful for her good progress.

Yours on the Journey,


Thursday, October 8, 2009

update # 20 on Jewel

Today Jewel and I celebrated 32 years of marriage. It was fun to share a French Baguette and a little cheese. It reminded me of the day I proposed to Jewel at a little picnic on the French side of the Alps.

As a husband and wife, in the midst of our current reality, we have so much for which to be thankful. We recognize that our love for each other finds its foundation in God’s character.

And where do we go to discover God’s character? We go to His Word. God’s character is revealed through His commandments. And our love for God is demonstrated through our obedience to them. Our obedience shows that we trust Him to know what is best.

“He who has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will disclose Myself to him:(John 14:21).

We can rejoice in knowing that when we love Jesus He delights in opening His heart to us. And when we do this He reveals His love to us and through us.

As we look back on our journey together we recognize that some of anniversaries stand out more than others. For our thirtieth anniversary we were blessed to be standing at the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of South Africa. Or there was what we thought was our twenty-fifth anniversary in Australia. (We discovered it was not our twenty-fifth but our twenty-forth. I am so glad we both got it wrong.) Then there was our first anniversary. We were living in the Caribbean where I came down with a terrible case of typhoid from which I almost died. Jewel gently helped nurse me back to health. Certainly our latest anniversary will be etched on hearts and minds.

We look back at all the valleys and hilltops, the twist and turns of life together. Through it all we see God’s faithfulness and grace. In spite of all our weaknesses and failings we can say that our love for God and love for each other has deepened and grown. And while we don’t like to admit it, a lot of the growth has taken place in the tough times. It’s funny how that works isn’t it?

Yours on the Journey,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

update # 19 on Jewel

Great news today! We had a conversation with Jewel’s Oncologist Surgeon late this afternoon. The results of the pathology are now in. We could not have asked for a better report. Even though it was confirmed as clear cell cancer (one of the most aggressive forms of ovarian cancer.) the pathology report showed that there was no spread of cancer beyond the tumor attached to the ovary. In other words, the cancer seems to be contained.

So tonight we are rejoicing in God’s goodness and His grace. Will you join us in giving thanks to the Lord for this positive news today.

Even with this positive report Jewel will still receive chemotherapy. The plan at this point is to tentatively begin her first treatment on October 16th. This will be followed five more treatments of chemo 3-4 weeks apart. We will also have a discussion about introducing radiation into the mix.

We are also encouraged by the progress that Jewel is making every day from the effects of her surgery. The concern at this point is her very low blood pressure which causes dizziness and impacts her energy level.

While the doctor was very positive about the pathology results she was pleasantly surprised there had been no spread of the cancer.

The verse of Scripture that jumped into our minds this evening was Psalm 139:14

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Yours on the Journey,


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

update # 18 on Jewel

This is going to be a really short blog.

Today we took an early morning trip to the doctors where Jewel had her 21 staples removed. (Can you imagine how the buzzers would have been set off at an airport security.) Please continue to pray that Jewel would rest well at night and for continued healing.

Thanks for your ongoing love and concern.

Yours on the Journey,


Monday, October 5, 2009

Update # 17 on Jewel

Last night was a tough night. Jewel had an adverse reaction to some new medication around 10 pm. However, through some fast medical intervention she was stabilized. Again we are grateful for caring friends. Jewel was able to get seven hours of sleep. It has been a long time since she got any where close to the amount of sleep. Jewel awoke this morning more refreshed. She really enjoyed being able to walk completely around the garden with more energy.

Today was the first day I went into the office since Jewel’s health took a turn for the worse. It was not easy being gone. I’m thankful that Natasha “held down the fort” while struggling through her re-entry and adjustment to life back in Canada.

I am also so grateful for our staff who have covered so many bases for me during this time of crisis.

Today we began to look at the future calendar. What appointments should be kept and what should be postponed, cancelled or passed on to someone else? Not easy decisions. I hope to have some clarity by the end of the week.

As I think of the decisions that have to be made, I am reminded of some reflections by Pastor Joe Stowell, He wrote:

It’s easy to think that Joshua and God’s people in the Old Testament were unusually blessed because God promised to be with them (Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Joshua 1:9). But we shouldn’t lose sight of the fact that the same promise is given to us in the New Testament (Hebrews 13:5). Jesus Himself promised that He would not leave us as “orphans” but would send the Holy Spirit to be in us and with us (John 14:16-18). In fact, if anybody has an edge, we do! God dwells within us in the person of the Holy Spirit to convict, comfort, guide, and encourage. His 24/7 presence is waiting to be tapped and used no matter where we are or what we are facing. We have the full revelation of Scripture that the Holy Spirit uses to teach and direct our lives. No Bible hero had the privilege of having a Book that could be carried, read, memorized, and used in transforming ways to tell them everything they needed to know about God and themselves—but you and I do!

Yours on the Journey,


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Update # 16 on Jewel

Justin and Natasha went off to Church this morning while I stayed home with Jewel. I think Natasha is pretty happy to be driving again after I put insurance on our car yesterday. It was real encouraging to see Jewel taking a short walk in our garden today. Jewel just loves to see the roses, which she has cared for so well.

Today, I made a ‘Sunday roast’ for dinner. (It’s been a while since I did that. :-) ) It was kind of fun doing it. Hopefully it was as enjoyable for those eating as it was for me making it!!!

While Jewel did not sleep well last night, she was not discouraged. She had a beautiful encounter with the Lord. As Jewel explained to me her worshipful experience she radiated this deep sense of joy and peace. The Lord is teaching her new and profound lessons as we continue this journey.

This afternoon we had a wonderful visit with my spiritual father Maurice and his wife Lois. As I look back on my life they have always been there at every key moment and crisis point. We are grateful for their loving support and encouragement.

Today I have been contemplating about some thoughts sent to me a couple of days ago by my good friend, Doug Birdsall, leader of the Lausanne Movement.

“Yesterday I preached in chapel at Gordon-Conwell on endurance, taking the passage from Hebrews 11:23-27, "Moses persevered because he saw Him who is invisible." As I was reflecting on the life of endurance, I was also re-reading Romans 8:28. It struck me that the "all things working together for good" is not so much about the "happy ending" to every challenge in life as it is about the fact that adversity serves to conform us more and more to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).”

For Jewel, our children and myself in spite of our current challenges it is our prayer and hope that people will see the authenticity and depth of our trust in the Living God. While the depth of our struggle is deep, the grace of God is even deeper.

Yours on the Journey,


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Update # 15 on Jewel

Jewel has had another good day. While she has not done a marathon yet she has made several laps inside the house. Although she continues to tire easily she does seem to be getting stronger. She also continues to adjust her medication to manage her pain. We are all encouraged to see her appetite returning.

As I looked at my calendar today, I realized that Jewel and Justin should have been in Thailand visiting Justin’s sick friend, Natasha should have been in Rwanda ministering to street kids and I should have been in Hungary speaking at global conference of College president’s and deans. Yet today we all gathered in our family room at home reminding ourselves that in spite of our circumstances, God is still in control and he His faithful in keeping His promises.

God filled our bible with over 7,000 promises of His love, care, and protection. These are part of the promises God gives us:


"The Lord is my light and my salvation: Whom shall I fear? (Psalm 27:1,3)

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble. . .for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)


"Do not worry then, saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink" . . .for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." (Matthew 6:17)


"Peace I leave you; My peace I give to you; not as the world give, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." (John 14:27)


"The Lord ís loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)


"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." (Psalm 73:26)


"For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not calamity to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)

Thank you Lord for these great promises.

On the Journey,


Friday, October 2, 2009

Update # 14 on Jewel

This has been a good day so far. When Natasha and I arrived at the hospital early this morning, Jewel was ready to come home. So within hour we had everything all packed up, some final paperwork and had her home in bed. I think I have lost track of the number of times she has smiled and said, “I am so happy to be home”.

At this point her pain seems to be well managed and she getting stronger as the day goes progresses. Our goal now is to help her regain her strength and prepare her for first round of chemotherapy. Of course we continue to wait on the results of the pathology to determine if there was any spread of the cancer.

I read to Jewel a number of the emails we received today. It is so humbling and encouraging to read them. Some come from dear and close friends we have known for years. Others have come from individuals with whom we have had brief encounters. Like the email, we received from a Christian leader living in Brazil who committed to pray daily for Jewel or the one from a leader in the Vatican. We are keenly aware that thousands of people around the world are praying for Jewel. What a privilege to be a part of God’s big family. We feel like we have a huge cheer leading section from every part of the globe.

As I think about this wonderful group of encouragers I’m reminded of the words of Gregory of Nyssa, one of the early church fathers in the 4th century.

At horse races, the spectators, intent on victory, shout to their favorites in the contest. From the balcony, they incite the rider to keener effort, urging the horses on while leaning forward and flailing the air with their outstretched hand instead of a whip.

He then goes on to say…

I seem to be doing the same thing myself most valued friend and brother. While you are competing admirably in the divine race, straining constantly for the prize of the heavenly calling, I exhort, urge and encourage you vigorously.

We are so grateful for all those shouting from the stands heartily encouraging us.

Yours on the Journey,


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Update # 13 on Jewel

Today was a pretty hard day for Jewel. She has now been detached from all the tubes and lines. Coming off her major pain medications, keeping her blood pressure up to the right level and dealing with the after effects of the surgery have been hard for her. However, it was good to see her get of bed and then walk with me arm in arm down the hallways of the hospital. As the day went on she gained strength.

Natasha was able to get Jewel laughing quite a bit. Although that had to be controlled because “belly laughing” can be quite painful.

We also had several conversations about her discharge from the hospital (which we hope will be tomorrow) and her ongoing care. We have found the hospital staff and the cancer specialists very accessible and able to answer many of our questions. Today we were told her tumor had grown to the size of a cantaloupe. We are so grateful it has now been removed.

We have now been told that her first appointment at the Cancer Clinic is going to be on October 14th and hopefully followed by her first chemotherapy on October 15th.

One of the things that Jewel and I talked about today was an appreciation of God’s perfect timing. Jewel came home from Africa on September 6th and was scheduled to fly to Thailand on September 29th. While some people have said it was “lucky” that Jewel was home during this short window of time we recognize it as God’s hand of mercy.

Jewel has been very encouraged with all personal visits, prayer and flowers. Thank you.

The following two verses have been very encouraging today.

Col. 1:11 "God will strengthen you with his own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient."

2 Cor. 4:18 (NLT) "So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now; rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever."

Yours on the Journey,
