Tuesday, October 6, 2009

update # 18 on Jewel

This is going to be a really short blog.

Today we took an early morning trip to the doctors where Jewel had her 21 staples removed. (Can you imagine how the buzzers would have been set off at an airport security.) Please continue to pray that Jewel would rest well at night and for continued healing.

Thanks for your ongoing love and concern.

Yours on the Journey,


1 comment:

  1. Dear Uncle Jeoff and Aunt Jewel,

    It's refreshing to know that Jewel is doing so well in her recovery! I'm proud to say that I'm praying again, it's been a long time since I have. I praise god for this miracle, and the fast healing of Aunt Jewel! I have found out that I can't leave the United States and this hurts badly. I want to come and visit and physically be there for Jewel and the family. I miss you all so much and I have over abounding love for all of you! I know that god has a plan, but I don't understand his way of going about it. Continuing to pray and send my love!

    Love Always,

