Sunday, September 20, 2009

Update #2 on Jewel

We are overwhelmed with God’s goodness that has been expressed by so many people from all over the world as they have learnt of Jewel’s sickness.

As we wait for the first visit to the Cancer Clinic we sense God’s peace. While Jewel has times of discomfort and pain her spirit remains positive. The Lord has given her a sense of deep joy, which is inexplicable in human terms. This does not mean either of us is oblivious to the potential serious nature of the fast-growing tumor. We simply affirm that God is good.

Tonight our local church elders will come an anoint Jewel with oil and pray for her. (James 5:14)

It was a great joy to speak to our 19-year-old daughter Natasha in Rwanda this morning. She is now making preparation for her sooner than expected departure home. Lot’s of tearful goodbye’s with her friends, the AIDS infected moms and kids to whom she has ministered. She also led the worship band for the last time in Church today. (At the end of worship she gave her most prized possession, her guitar to the church.) More prayers, tears and hugs. Given the fragile nature of life and the closeness of family in Rwanda people are extremely supportive of her return home to be with her sick mother.

Natasha will begin her long trek home on Tuesday. She has to overnight in Nairobi and Cairo. We are so appreciative of dear friends in both those cities who will lovingly care for her as she travels through. We would appreciate prayer for her safe travel.

Our son Justin has cancelled his trip to Thailand to visit his girlfriend. It was heart wrenching to learn that his girlfriend (who has Leukemia) has been admitted back into hospital and receiving radiation treatments. She is now in ICU. Justin is learning to trust God in difficult circumstances.

I am reminded of this verse in Colossians 1:11

"God will strengthen you with his own great power so that you will not give up when troubles come, but you will be patient."

Thanks to everyone for standing with us.

On the Journey,



  1. Hello dear ones,
    Thanks for the update. I read the 1st one just this morning. We've been thinking of all of you and PRAYING for God's peace and wisdom for the medical staff.
    We love you all and will be praying for Natasha as she travels home.
    love & prayers, Tim & Jul Hoober

  2. Hello Geoff and Jewel,
    from our corner of the world (Italy) we are praying that God's glory will continue to manifest in the trial that you are going through. May God's peace will be with you. We stand beside you in prayer asking Almighty God to show his mercy and power.

    Roberto Mazzeschi
    Leonardo De Chirico
    Gian Piero Marussich
    Giuseppe Rizza
    Stefano Bogliolo

    belonging to the family of the Italian EA.
