Thursday, December 31, 2009

Update #41

Jewel has now had 3 of her 25 radiation treatments. She continues to struggle with tiredness and nausea. We continue to be blessed by the highly professional yet warm and caring team at the Cancer Clinic.Yesterday at the clinic we ran into some friends we had not seen in quite some time. They were accompanying a family member who was also being treated for cancer. There is an immediate bonding that takes place at a moment like this.

As we conclude this year and prepare to enter a new year we recognize that our journey takes some expected turns. While we live complex and often complicated lives our experience of these last few months has driven us back to simple faith in Jesus Christ.

As we prepare for 2010, I am reminded of the following story. (It’s a bit long but I think makes a profound point.)

A man at LAX was worried about missing his plane. He had no wristwatch and could not locate a clock, so he hurried up to a total stranger and said,

Excuse me; could you give me the time please? The stranger smiled and said, Sure. He sat down the two large suitcases he was carrying and looked at the watch on his wrist. It is exactly 5:09. The temperature outside is 73 degrees, and it is supposed to rain tonight. In London the sky is clear and the temperature is 38 degrees Celsius. The barometer reading is 29.14 and falling. And, let’s see, in Singapore the sun is shining brightly. Oh, by the way, the moon should be full tonight here in Los Angeles, and...

Your watch tells you all that? The man interrupted.

Oh, yes, and much more. You see, I invented this watch, and I can assure you there’s no other timepiece like it in the world.

I want to buy that watch! I’ll pay you two thousand dollars for it right now.

No, it’s not for sale, said the stranger as he reached down to pick up his suitcases.

Wait! Four thousand. I’ll pay you four thousand dollars cash, offered the man, reaching for his wallet.

No, I can’t sell it. You see, I plan to give it to my son for his twenty-first birthday. I invented it for him to enjoy.

Okay, listen—I’ll give you ten thousand dollars. I’ve got the money right here.

The stranger paused. Ten thousand? Well, OK. It’s yours for ten thousand even.

The man was absolutely elated. He paid the stranger, took the watch, snapped it on his wrist with glee, and said. Thanks as he turned to leave.

Wait, said the stranger. With a big smile he handed the two heavy suitcases to the man and added, Don’t forget the batteries.

As we enter this New Year, we want to be careful about the excess baggage we take with us. Our lives are stripped back to the basics of faith and trust in a God that brings hope and meaning. So while we face another year of twists and turns we do so knowing that God goes before us.

Happy New Year!

Yours on the Journey,

Geoff and Jewel

1 comment:

  1. Great message! We're praying the radiation will be of great benefit, and for all of you as you walk through this together. Thanks for keeping us posted on what's happening. We love you all, Dan and Louise
